The Law Firm Client Care Specialists

Our Services

At Firm Sense, Sally Dyson uses a combination of client listening, executive coaching and business skills training to help her clients to enhance their personal and team effectiveness and to create and implement client focused success strategies.  

Client Listening 

Business leaders are familiar with the mantra that "clients are at the heart of our business" but, in reality, many professionals fail to engage in a consistent and meaningful way with their clients.  Individuals may not perceive the need or be unsure of how to proceed outside the narrow confines of their day-to-day transactions.  Firms that listen effectively to their clients can expect to reap benefits in terms of:

  • Winning and retaining clients;
  • Increasing revenue and profitability (through fewer write-offs); and
  • Future-proofing their firms by embedding client relationships and anticipating client needs. 

Firm Sense offers a wide menu of client listening programme design and delivery services including:

  • Advice on the best client listening programme to meet your firm's current objectives;
  • Production of discussion guides;
  • Training your staff in the art of client listening;
  • Conducting telephone or face-to-face listening interviews;
  • Writing reports of single interviews and themed reports of the findings of larger client listening programmes;
  • Presenting client opinions and recommended actions to partner meetings and conferences; and
  • Facilitated action planning and one-to-one coaching to enable firms to realise their clients' wishes and to optimise their client relationships. 

Executive Coaching

Coaching is a highly effective and personalised tool increasingly used by high performing individuals to maximise their effectiveness in the work place and to achieve their personal and professional goals. 

Firm Sense's coaching clients are generally partners, directors or senior managers working in professional services, or as in-house lawyers, barristers or in finance.  As a coach, Sally Dyson seeks to draw out her clients' knowledge of themselves and their businesses to enable them to:

  • Develop long term, mutually beneficial working relationships with their clients and colleagues;
  • Deliver their performance and business objectives;
  • Achieve personal growth targets and optimise performance;
  • Lead effectively in an environment often referred to as "herding cats";
  • Make difficult decisions; and
  • Find time and space to think adn plan when juggling fee earning and management responsibilities. 

As a natural optimist, Sally's preferred approach is to focus on harnessing client strengths to surmount apparent obstacles.  Sally encourages clients to adapt collaborative working styles and to engage productively with colleagues and customers alike. 

Sally is a graduate of the Meyler Campbell "Mastered" Business Coach Programme which is accredited by the Association for Coaching.  Sally is also qualified to administer a range of ability and psychometric tests to help clients to enhance their self-awareness and to improve team dynamics. 

Business skills training

Firm Sense provides lively, practical, interactive and tailored training workshops on a variety of business skills essential to running a professional business practice.  Popular topics include:

  • Client listening, why it pays and how to do it;
  • Facing the fear of alternative fee arrangements;
  • Fee trends in the legal sector;
  • How to discuss fees with clients effectively;
  • Winning pitches;
  • Developing and growing your business; and
  • The power of collaboration

Firm Sense Limited • 167-169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London W1W 5PF • Registered in England & Wales No. 6924056
m: +44 (0) 7796 251 914 •  e:  •  w:

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